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Dustin Gutkowski

“The best way to connect is on Minnect. I have never seen or been a part of such an amazing network or app. I get to field questions from others looking to grow their business, or needing help in certain areas. If you are looking to grow personally or professionally, get connected on Minnect.”

—Dustin Gutkowski, CEO and Founder, Results Roofing

Adam Sosnick

"My Instagram and LinkedIn DMs are completely flooded with fans asking questions that I can never get to. But on Minnect, I can now monetize my time and expertise, respond to 100% of my DMs, and feel fulfilled helping my audience with any question they have. Why be an influencer when you can be a consultant?”

—Adam Sosnick, Financial Expert & Host @ Valuetainment

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Terrell Owens - NFL Wide Receiver, Philanthropist
Terrell Owens
NFL Wide Receiver, Philanthropist
Patrick Bet-David - CEO and Founder, Valuetainment
Patrick Bet-David
CEO and Founder, Valuetainment
Michael Franzese - Former made member of Colombo Organized Crime Family
Michael Franzese
Former made member of Colombo Organized Crime Family

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1-Text Answer

The most budget friendly option allows you to send an expert a question and quickly get a text response with the information you need.

Text Answer
Video Answer

2-Video Answer

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3-Video Call

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Video Call

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